Patient Rights & Responsibilities



As a BPSC patient you have the right to:


1. Know and exercise your rights without being subjected to discrimination or reprisal.

2. Receive fair and compassionate care at all times and under all circumstances.

3. Be treated equally with respect and consideration and receive the same level of care regardless of race, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability or source of payment.

4. Retain your personal dignity with appropriate privacy provided.

5. Receive care in a safe setting and in an environment free from mental, physical, sexual or verbal abuse, neglect, exploitation or harassment.

6. Receive personalized treatment through an individual treatment plan that respects your cultural, racial and religious variations. Participate in the development and implementation of your treatment plan.

7. Receive verbal and written notice of the patient’s rights prior to the start of the surgical procedure in a language and manner that the patient, patient representative or surrogate understands all of the patient’s rights set forth in Title 42 CFR 416.50.

8. Confidentiality and privacy of your medical records and information as well as the right to access information contained in your medical records within a reasonable time frame. You will receive a separate “Notice of Privacy Practices” that explains your privacy rights in detail and how BPSC may use and disclose your medical information.
9. Integrate family and/or significant others into your healthcare experience at BPSC unless such visits may harm your medical condition and/or negatively affect your recovery.

10. Examine and receive an explanation of your bill.

11. Receive information regarding Kentucky law on advance directives (e.g. living will directives, living wills, health care surrogate designations, durable powers of attorney for health care, etc.), BPSC’s policies regarding advance directives and to have an advance directive. Inform the patient or as appropriate, the patient’s representative of the patient’s rights to make informed decisions regarding the patient’s care.

12. Be free from restraints and seclusion of any form, that are not medically necessary to protect you or others and not be subjected to restraints and seclusion used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation.

13. Receive appropriate assessment, control and management of pain.

14. Understand and make informed decisions regarding your care. Be provided, to the degree known, complete information including your health status, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment and prognosis in terms you can understand in order to make informed decisions. If it is medically inadvisable to provide this information to you, the information will be provided to a person designated by you or a legally authorized representative.

15. Have the opportunity to participate in decisions involving your health care, except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons.

16. Request or refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be told of the medical consequences of your request or refusal. However, you do not have the right to request inappropriate or medically unnecessary treatment or services.

17. Refuse to participate in experimental research, clinical training programs or to be used in the gathering of data for research purposes, regardless of your payment source – government, personal or third party.

18. Know the identity of the physician primarily responsible for your care and the names and professional relationships of other physicians and healthcare providers who will see you and/or participate in your care.

19. Be informed of any medical procedures, treatments, and/or tests to be performed, the reason for the procedures, treatments, and tests and the identity of those who will be performing them as well as the expected outcome before they are performed.

20. Reasonable continuity of care, to be advised of your outpatient care options and your follow-up care needs.

21. Receive information regarding the credentials of healthcare professionals providing your care.

22. Change primary or specialty physicians if other qualified physicians are available.

23. Receive information regarding the competence, capabilities and accreditation of BPSC that are not misleading. Representation of accreditation to the public will accurately reflect the AAAHC accredited entity.

24. Receive appropriate notification regarding the absence of malpractice insurance coverage.

25. Express suggestions or communicate complaints or grievances to BPSC and, if a grievance is communicated, to receive a response regarding the manner in which the grievance was addressed. Suggestions, problems, concerns or grievances regarding your treatment or care that are (or fail to be) furnished should be communicated to BPSC management. To communicate a complaint or grievance to BPSC in writing, please submit your complaint or grievance to Baptist-Physicians’ Surgery Center, Attn: Administration, 1720 Nicholasville Rd, Ste 101, Lexington, KY 40503. You may also contact the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Human Services by contacting the Office of the Inspector General, Division of Healthcare, 275 E Main St 5E-A, Frankfort, KY 40621, (502) 564-7963; or the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman at



As a BPSC patient you have the responsibility to:

1. Provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about your health including your present complaint, past illnesses, prior hospital stays, all medications including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements, any allergies or sensitivities and other pertinent matters relating to your health.

2. Ask questions when you do not understand information or instructions.

3. Report unexpected changes in your condition to your physician or a BPSC staff member.

4. Follow the post-surgical treatment plan prescribed by your physician and participate in your care. You are responsible for telling your physician if you believe you cannot follow through with your instructions and plan of care.

5. Be respectful and show consideration for the needs, confidentiality and privacy of other patients, staff members and physicians and other professionals involved with your care and assist with the control of noise, smoking and the number of visitors.

6. Follow BPSC rules and regulations of which you are aware or made aware.

7. Provide information regarding your insurance and work with BPSC to arrange payment for services.

8. Accept personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by your insurance.

9. Provide a responsible adult to transport you home from BPSC and remain with you for 24 hours, if required by your physician.

10. Inform BPSC if you have a living will, medical power of attorney, or other directive that could affect your care. Any advance directive is documented in the Pre-Operative assessment.

11. Inform BPSC management if you have any problems, concerns, complaints or grievances relating to your care.